Fine Arts Library

Excessive Noise Turns Six with "Green Paw"

Excessive Noise is an occasional concert series hosted by the Fine Arts Library.  Organized by Russell Podgorsek — who earned his doctorate at the Butler School of Music and is an employee of the Fine Arts Library — the series provides students with an opportunity to perform chamber and solo works beyond those required by their degree programs.  It also provides an opportunity for the premier of original works beyond the classroom.  While generally in the classical vein, Excessive Noise features work from a variety of traditions and perspectives.

Students Print 6-String Violin in The Foundry (Video)

Sean Riley is a musician and Ph.D. candidate studying music entrepreneurship at the Butler School of Music. Riley stumbled upon a score by American composter John Adams in the Fine Arts Library that he'd been interested in playing for a while, but the music required a 6-string violin. So Riley did what any creative entrepreneur would do: he made one. 

Read the complete story here.

Artist Yuliya Lanina is Resident at The Foundry

The Fine Arts Library and the College of Fine Arts (COFA) welcome Yuliya Lanina as the fall’s artist-in-residence at the Foundry in the Fine Arts Library.

During November 6-10, Lanina will visit with classes in the college, work in the Foundry and conclude the week with a presentation about her work on the “Herstory” project, on Friday 10th February at 3 pm in the Fine Arts Library.

Library of Congress Archivist Shares Dance Preservation Techniques and Expertise

Event: “Achiving Dance” Workshop with Libby Smigel (Library of Congress). This event is free and open to the public.

When: 1-3 p.m. Monday, November 13, 2017.

Where: Fine Arts Library (DFA 3.200) at The University of Texas at Austin.

Background: The Fine Arts Library presents a workshop with a Library of Congress archivist focusing on the preservation of performing arts, specifically dance.