EndNote is a sophisticated reference management tool that allows you to:
-Import references from multiple sources
-Organize the references in a logical and efficient manner
-Find & attach full text articles, and create notes in those articles
-Easily facilitate citation tasks within your manuscript in thousands of reference/journal styles at the click of a button
Whether you're a new EndNote user or need to brush up on your skills, join us Monday, February 3 (12-1:15 pm), for an engaging and interactive virtual workshop.
For a hands-on workshop experience, download and install EndNote before attending the workshop. You can purchase EndNote for a discount through the Campus Computer Store or get a 30-day free trial to EndNote.
Interested in getting a head start before the workshop? Take a look at UT Libraries’ EndNote guide.
Registration is required! Sign up today: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/b1g1dyzcQGqbeU7gObDfXg