Data Management and Sharing Practices for Federally Funded Research and Beyond

Event Status
abstract graphic of microscope, data, money and a globe on a blue background

The University of Texas Libraries subject area liaison librarians and Research Data Services team provide on-campus expertise in data management and sharing.

Join us as representatives from the Libraries provide an introduction to data management planning resources, data management best practices, tips for publishing research data (including selecting a repository and sharing sensitive data), and an overview of the evolving data management and sharing requirements of federal research funding agencies, like those of the NIH which were updated in January 2023.

Though this workshop will focus on data management policies for federally-funded research, many of the principles of data management and sharing are applicable across funding agencies and we welcome you to join us regardless of funding source.   

Presenters: Hannah Chapman Tripp (Liaison Librarian for Biosciences) and Michael Shensky (Head of Research Data Services).




Date and Time
Feb. 13, 2024, 1 to 2 p.m.